Learn! Work with us!

The road ahead is not easy. Let Switcheroo guide you on your journey.

San Francisco is one of the most diverse cities in America, and there are a multitude of languages spoken here, hailing from all parts of the world. This diversity is beautiful, and the languages spoken should be celebrated. However, with English as the predominant language, many San Franciscans face significant language barriers. Switcheroo offers a variety of free services, such as personalized tutoring and valuable resources, to support people through this barrier.

You are not alone in this struggle. Do not be ashamed of the inability to speak English, an oppresive language that is imposed as a standard. Our mission at Switcheroo is to assist you through this barrier, while also empowering you to have pride in your own language.

Our resources

Switcheroo is a non-profit organization, and offers a variety of resources to suport you through your journey. We cooperate with many organizations and institutions that assist those with language needs, as well as provide our own set tutors that will personally teach you.

Partners and allies

Switcheroo collaborates with many educational/non-profit institutions that offer English language support or education. These organizations can provide support to people of all ages, or exclusively to children and teens. To learn more, head to our Resources page, or click here.

Our tutors

Switcheroo offers personalized tutors for several languages, free of charge. These tutors are compensated by our organization, and you won't have to pay a cent. To learn more, head over to the "Our tutors" page, or click here.

Requesting our services could be quite complicated, so feel free to contact us at XXX-XXX-XXXX, or switcherooSupport@gmail.com for assistance!