Join the Switcheroo Team

Help us provide free English tutoring and support to those who need it!

English Tutor

Job Description

Switcheroo is seeking experienced English tutors to help individuals improve their English language skills. Tutors will work one-on-one or in small groups, providing personalized lessons to help learners of all ages. Responsibilities include:

  • Conducting tutoring sessions
  • Providing learning plans
  • Tracking student progress and providing feedback

Competitive pay per session, depending on experience.

Teen English Tutor

Opportunities for Teens

This position is perfect for teens looking to give back to the community. Teen tutors will assist learners by providing basic English language lessons with guidance from senior tutors. Responsibilities include:

  • Assisting with lessons
  • Helping with homework and activities
  • Providing basic language support

Less pay than full tutors, but a great way to gain experience!

Apply Here!