"To have another language is to possess a second soul."

-Charlemagne, 747 - 814

Begin your journey here

Switcheroo offers free, personalized tutoring in a variety of different languages. Our tutors mostly specialize in languages commonly spoken in San Francisco, however, there is always a tutor that speaks your language at Switcheroo. To request a tutor, start by clicking the button above.

Our senior tutors

The tutors listed below have helped many people and made significant contributions while working with Switcheroo.

Edison Zhou

Despite being one of our youngest tutors, Edison has personally tutored and helped many Switcheroo students. He has worked with us throughout his junior and senior year, and is one of the most active members of our team.

Jyoti C.

Jyoti has worked with us for the past 6 years, and is one of our most insightful tutors. Many members of our team look up to her for advice. Switcheroo would not be the same without her.

Rohit P.

Rohit has spent countless hours supporting and teaching those in need, especially during qurantine, when Covid was rampant. His passion for helping people makes him one of the pillars of Switcheroo.

C Law.

C is also one of our teen tutors. He is still relatively inexperienced but his humor and kindness makes him one of our most popular tutors. We really appreciate his presence here at Switcheroo.

Cole T.

Cole is one of our most esteemed tutors. His proficiency in education combined with his chillness makes him a very efficient teacher. He is our most skilled member at hand.

Savita B.

Savita is one of our most prominent members, and always keeps the team's spirit up. She is a role model for our youngest tutors, and is a foundational pillar of Switcheroo.